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Thursday 13 March 2008


I saw her face today..It was the face and voice which killed me...
We looked at each other.I said hello how were you. She sat in the strong light and I didn't hear what she said...

I saw her face today...her smile was astonished and so embarrassing that I realised there was no need to wait for her response anymore. The face expression of hers has declared all the lies she once told about me, no more explanation.

Suddenly I am not angry with her anymore. She brought me the pain for the reason of love. The poor girl was just trying to keep her lover and be decent and elegent and wise...She did..that I can only show my sympathy, for there is something beyond the common customs she will never understand.

Well..It's over..Let me be myself again...insist the principles that were shaked and suspected but now recovered...forgive all the lies in the name of love and forget all the hurt...Only love and hope make us survive.

That's why i could smile and tell you there is somewhere only we know. I am sure you will be there someday without knowing i once couldn't help crying for those words haven't got chances to tell you before our goodbye.

It's very sad the gothic girl was attacked to death.She looks nasty but pretty. The description of blood reminds me Nancy. The posture of her dead body was so scaring. She was loved.

So...Goodbye,Lover....They are dead already......


You were my little baby girl
And I knew all your fears
Such joy to hold you in my arms
And kiss away your tears
But now you're gone
There's only pain and nothing I can do
And I don't want to live this life
If I can't live for you

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